Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Year in Review, Highlights, Struggles and Future Goals

Six months ago I started documenting my Art classes and projects from the past year.
This has been a hectic year but as I look back over all the postings it is great to see progress in my students and also opportunities to complete some pieces of my own.

The past 6 months have flown by!
The challenges: balancing a full time schedule working at The Lung Institute as a Medical Assistant, Freelance Graphic/Web Design, Graphics for Missions Organizations, Teaching 4 tutorials & classes at Grace Homeschool Connection, and teaching Elementary Art Classes at the Town of Jupiter! 

The highlights have been being able to participate in the Town of Jupiter Art show and mural paintings. Classes have been wonderful and students are having a great time. I have also recently sold my furniture
in the spare room and am putting together a mini studio, which is currently in use for private lessons!

The future-
Good news! I have been hired as a teacher full time at a local private school where I will be  teaching Art!!
This fall  I will be able to add a beginners Classical Drawing Class for Adultsat the Town of Jupiter. I am hopeful that my Miniature Acrylic Class will fill at Palm Beach Gardens Parks and Recreation Department.
Make it through my first year of teaching inspire the students and HAVE FUN!