Friday, March 12, 2010

Still Life Drawing Studio 1- Apples

Still Life Drawing Studio 1- Apples

Each student is given an apple and 2 sheets of white paper.
I walk students through a thorough analysis starting with the actual shape of the apple.
Students learned to sight using the end of their pencil- students also used pencils to mimic the angles and compare the straight lines of the pencil to the shape of the apple.

Students sight the width and height and measure using the end of the pencil for one side of the object and thumb to mark the opposite side.

Students are then walked though a color analysis and notice the variety of color in their apple, each student began to see: lime green, bright reds, brown and variety in each. Students are also told to notice the shapes within each color. Students are instructed to squint and notice the brightest highlighted areas, then find the more difficult shadow areas and everything in between.

Students turn their apples and do a quick version of the analysis above, then switch apples and make their own observations.

Students then use the original apple and draw the outline, the shade a light ground, build up to mid-tones, shadows then highlights.

Next students are to find the highlighted areas and subtract the brightest highlights using an eraser.
Students then analyze shadows under the apple and add them in and add a final shadow to the base of the apple.

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