Friday, June 15, 2012

For once, a positive mom!

At last year's FAEA conference I heard a speech from a positive mom for once, and it was awesomely encouraging!   I keep thinking about the speech that Jaqueline Roch gave at the FAEA conference, she is inspiring, as not only is she a brilliant artist but a mom of 4 children.
(all images are the work of Jaqueline Roch, Miami, FL)

She challenged us artist teachers not to make excuses, as a full time teacher she worked on her pastels.  Later Jaqueline was eventually able to be a stay at home mom she said that she had much more free time than when she was teaching so she was able to spend time perfecting her craft. The teachers at the conference we all gained insight on how she worked; it was fascinating that much of her painting time was during her children's naps.

The pastelist talked about how teacher's often try to hide behind the successes of others almost as an that one really hit home! I feel like sometimes as women we hide behind others successes and claim them as our own as an avoidance tactic. It is especially easy for teachers to pat ourselves on the back because of successes in other's lives due to our investment. I think it is quite difficult to break outside of the success of others and also make time to engage in personal development.

I feel myself becoming frustrated as more and more as I see and hear from moms who get to stay home can't seem to take a shower, yet they freely tell me how easy life as a teacher and full time student must be after all "you don't have kids yet" so you can't possibly be busy EVER.

In stark contrast is this artist mother of 4 who stopped the excuses, as you can see her art is spectacular and she recently sold rights of her works to furnish the cabins on a cruise line.

She isn't blogging about how she doesn't ever get a sick day, how exhausting it is to put her child to bed, or how she is a professional expert on every subject known to man because she has children; instead she is supporting her family with her craft, creating beauty, and inspiring teachers all over South Florida.

Jaqueline Roch, Pasel

So every time I hear some cynical mom imply that women's personal aspirations must die to become a good mother I just smile and remember that there are indeed women who bring more value to their family, personal development, and community during nap time than some do in their entire lives. As teachers we can continue to wear the "I inspire"t-shirts but how much inspiration can we offer if we are not personally inspired?

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