Sunday, December 15, 2013

What's your excuse?

The Facebook photo that went viral of a mom bearing nearly all with a fit body has caused a lot of discussion.  I think the most disturbing phenomena I have seen surrounding the image of the fitness model is the way that Christians have tried to spiritualize this type of  obsession. Americans are discussing and arguing about who has best diet, the web is full of stay at home mom's who think they know more than any MD.  I understand how the world at large would consider the body to be the most important,  Hollywood is their god but why are christians getting on board?

I often meet or read about people who really think they can control their own destiny as long as they eat right exercise right and eat organic, gluten free, vegan, the list is endless.  I think I would rather eat a diet of pesticide laden food daily than deal with the stress often spewed out by some of the so-called "healthy" people-living in affluent countries who claim to have  health and financial woes of the world solved.

I recently was talking to a women who claimed she: "hadn't been sick in years because of healthy eating and exercise." After talking to the "healthy woman" I was feeling like a failure and also somewhat convinced. I thought, ok I can go back to no sugar, veg and meats, I have done it before I could do it again. I was exercising, and doing all the right things,  I had weather related migraines for the better part of 2 weeks while teaching full time, before you know it I was sick AGAIN after 2 more years of terrible health, the cycle was repeating. 


Another sinus infection, more meds, I was  trying to do all the "right things" and I was beating myself up, thinking I should have spent my entire paycheck on organic food and maybe that would have cured it, but then I guess I'd have to get another job....Who needs to pay bills, anyway? Hmm maybe I could just take from the government like everyone else, I mean it isn't really stealing is it? I should "stop making excuses" it really shouldn't matter that I was exposed to black mold, Chinese drywall. My health was destroyed while on a chinese diet and eastern medicine which began a 10 year cycle of poor health, so eastern meds aren't the answer or are they? I can cure this by not "making excuses" right? Why was my recent vegetarian grain free diet and vitamin regimine, with natural cures not helping my health or weight?


About 2 months after my conversation with the "healthy" woman, I was doing pretty well and weight was coming off, when I wasn't even following a strict diet. I was sleeping through the night, able to breathe, and was finally feeling better. It seems the heavy round of medications, had definitely made an impact for the better in every area of my health. It was during my excitement about feeling good, that I heard that the "healthy" woman was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she had to go into immediate treatment, work, and the "all natural" lifestyle were on hold as she underwent rounds of chemo. 

After hearing the news about the "healthy woman" my brain was on overload thinking, about people. I was reminded of a wonderfully godly seemingly healthy happy christian husband who died of a health condition, a professor who was quite possibly one of the happiest most wonderful Christians I had ever met died of cancer. I thought about caretakers and of a co-worker who typically spends 1-2 weeks in ICU with her son annually. I thought about a pastor's son who was so sick, yet his mother continues to works day and night in and outside the home to provide for her son and special needs child. A Chinese national in the PRC (a personal friend) lost an 8 year old daughter to a relatively low fever while shunning Western meds. The family wanted to rely on Chinese diet, and medicine but after her death, the family changed their opinion. They recently have stated that a light round of western OTC meds would have saved the girl. Some people are caring for dying parents, or children, and those struggling with miscarriages. My head was swirling with story after story that conflicted popular notions. So what was their "excuse" for not eating raw organic and going to the gym 2 hours a day... really?!! Looking "hot" might not be a #1 life goal when facing an embarrassing,  medical condition, sexual harassment, sickness, death etc... 

Christians, shouldn't we be thinking about inner beauty rather than trying to compete or be-little and judge those who don't measure up to our physical standards? Since when did looking "hot" become the most important value to teach young women?


Should we really want to be a women who contributes nothing more to her home and world than a "hot body?" Pretty sure the Prov. 31 woman was not sitting home taking selfies and bragging about her "hot" body, instead she was engaged in important work. How should we be encouraging future generations about inner beauty and cultivation of  mental, spiritual, and physical disciplines? 

His strength is made perfect in weakness, when we realize that we can't do it, we can't add a cubit to our stature, God still loves us.  He doesn't ask us what our "excuse" is for not being able to afford to stay home all day to prepare raw organic foods and be fitness models. We know that "pride cometh before a fall," so how should we react when the "what's your excuse" crowd falls flat on it's face? I don't have the answers but I know we should NOT be the ones to point the finger and ask "What is your excuse?" 

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